Real-Time Occupancy through your office Wifi

The first automated desk booking platform, literally a 0-Click Desk Booking. Know who and how many employees are in your office without any expensive sensors or other hardware - easy, seamless, and automated - not only for enterprises.

The first 0-click desk booking with PULT Wifi

PULT Wifi is our newest development to really bring desk booking software to the next level.

Office Management on autopilot for modern companies.
1000+ companies love and recommend us.

The user interface is super self-explanatory. My account manager is amazing and responds incredibly fast

Kaufland E-Commerce

Super easy to create and manage your custom floor plan. Desks, Areas and Policies can all be added and changed with just a few clicks

Krebs + Kiefer GmbH

The simple, intuitive design and handling of the app is unbeatable, (...) it is accepted and used by all users.

Maïwenn Charpentier

“I love seeing who is in the office. This transparency has resulted in more people coming back to the office.”

Pia Wendisch
Taxdoo GmbH

“As a fast-growing company, an app to manage and analyze our office spaces is needed. PULT makes this easy.”

Aura Cruz

“The design is kind of eye-catching. It helps us with workplace safety and understanding our true office capacity needs.”

Why "PULT Wifi" is a game changer for your desk booking

PULT is enabling modern companies to automate their check-ins for desk booking

Auto Check-In

With PULT Wifi Check-Ins can be made automatically based on your connected devices.

Flexible To Integrate

Easy to integrate into your current Wifi hardware setup.

Accurate Analytics

With PULT Wifi all your office analytics and bookings will become 100% accurate.

A new hybrid workplace experience is possible. Start your journey now. 🎉