Trusted by 1000+ innovative workplaces
The first 0-click desk booking with PULT Wifi
PULT Wifi is our newest development to really bring desk booking software to the next level.
Office Management on autopilot for modern companies.
1000+ companies love and recommend us.
Why "PULT Wifi" is a game changer for your desk booking
PULT is enabling modern companies to automate their check-ins for desk booking
Auto Check-In
With PULT Wifi Check-Ins can be made automatically based on your connected devices.
Flexible To Integrate
Easy to integrate into your current Wifi hardware setup.
Accurate Analytics
With PULT Wifi all your office analytics and bookings will become 100% accurate.
And even more for your flexible workplace
The all-in-one platform for desk booking as an overall office management software.
Desk Booking
Our desk booking software for hybrid companies. Online and resource-friendly.
Room Booking
Our meeting room booking system for hybrid companies. Online and resource-friendly.
Hybrid Work Planer
Enable hybrid workplace team planning, so everyone knows who's working from where.
Visitor Management
Bring your visitors back to the office with our kiosk-based guest management solution.