Remote or on-site: How to save on energy costs?

Hybrid Work

Home office work became popular during the pandemic, but the cost-of-living crisis has made employees reconsider working from home. Read more

With the pandemic came home office work, and also the assumption that working from home would establish itself as the new work model of the future. But then came the cost-of-living crisis, which no one really expected. In view of rising energy costs, employees suddenly started asking themselves whether it wouldn't be better to commute to their offices, where the four walls were heated by the employer.


But what does working in a home office actually cost?


Of course, the costs vary individually, but nevertheless an approximate picture of the situation can be sketched. 

Compared to their colleagues in the office, employees in the home office consume 75 percent more gas and up to 25 percent more electricity every day. Of course, these figures can vary depending on the size of the building, but they are intended to provide an approximate guide.But heating one's own home as a remote base is not all. Employees who work at home also cook their lunch there, occasionally make themselves a cup of coffee and connect their electronic devices to the power supply. The use of household appliances accounts for up to 14 percent of the energy bill, while the energy consumed for lighting accounts for up to 5 percent.

Employees who have no alternative but to work from home can create a budget to try to contain costs somewhat. It is important to proactively address the issue of energy costs and take advice on how to save without feeling bad about it. 

And what are the costs if I work in the office?


Employees with families can save money by working from home offices, where they can take care of their children themselves. Childcare during office hours is expensive and represents a further financial burden in the midst of the energy crisis. Apart from the expenses for childminders or kindergartens, commuting costs should not be forgotten.

Driving to work means spending a lot of money in light of rising fuel prices. But unfortunately, there isn't really any other option, as public transportation isn't a cheap alternative. Other unexpected costs arise from the fact that office buildings are often located near shopping facilities. Thus, as an employee:in after work, one is more likely to be tempted to make impulse purchases in the midst of countless stores. It remains to be determined on an individual basis whether working in an office or in a home office is the solution. The fact is that both workplaces are inevitably associated with higher costs due to the rising cost of living.

Use a hybrid work software to better analyze the expenses

Software for hybrid workplace management can help to reduce costs by providing data-driven insights into office usage. This data can provide detailed information on when and how the office is being used, allowing organizations to better allocate resources and adjust energy use accordingly. For example, an organization could turn off lights or reduce temperature in rooms that are not in use during certain times of day. Additionally, a software for hybrid workplace management can help identify areas where an organization could improve their operations from a financial standpoint, such as reducing travel costs or shifting to more efficient supply chains. By leveraging the insights gained from these tools, organizations can save significant sums of money in energy costs while also remaining compliant with regulations and keeping employees safe.

download our 9 tips for energy savings in the hybrid office